Monday, August 6, 2012

{The Getty} Los Angeles, CA Photographer

I think we can all agree that I'm the worst blogger. Ever. I'm getting over it, really. Be prepared for my blog to take over your Google Reader feed - it's happening. Starting today.

Last week I was in LA for a wedding. Everything about the 3 days I was there was magical. Including my convertible rental car. Yes - that happened. I have a sunburned scalp to prove it.

I had half a day to do whatever I wanted, so I went to The Getty museum in Los Angeles (across the freeway from Bel Air might I add...). I've wanted to go to The Getty for years and never had time to do it, and I have to say it was one of the best days of my life. <>  I saw a real life Van Gough, Monet, Manet, Messerschmidt, Ritts and so many more.

I should probably stop typing now...

I, of course, couldn't stop taking pictures of the museum itself. I probably embarrassed those I was with because I held up lines taking pictures of things... It had to happen.

My not so good attempt at architecture photography:

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Bel Air, CA

sorry, is this inappropriate? I had to...
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  1. I love it! I went to The Getty for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It's amazing! I was sad I didn't have my camera with me, but I'll have to take Pierce back WITH my camera. Love it. You did a great job photographing it!

  2. Looks like an awesome place to visit.

    p.s. you have been nominated for an award on my blog
    check it out.
