Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happiness is: A Choice

I moved a week and a half ago.  To the most beautiful apartment. Ever.  It's been a little bit of an up and down rollercoaster for me the past week, but with all that, I am trying to put into practice something that I think is one of the keys to life.

I just made this and I'm going to get it printed and hung in my room.  Because, I can.

I've been working on a Documentary Photogrpahy project for school and it's based on happiness.  In my serach for quotes and insights on the topic, I came across this one and it made me smile. 
 It's my new favorite thing.

"Smile big for everyone, even when you know what they've done."
                                                                 - anonymous

I'm trying.  Really, really hard to be a grown up right now.  And, it's kind of hard.  BUT... this new quote makes it a lot more fun!

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